...Mom in the waiting...
me  ; entries  ; Tag and others  ;
Wednesday, November 23, 2005

You Are Ariel!
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Headstrong and fiesty. You have a mind of your own that's full of romantic dreams about the world around you. Exploring exotic places is your ultimate dream, and although you can be a little naive you'll realize that there is something to be gained from your family's wisdom.

The result from my very first try...

Ewahhhh tak sia2 aku jadik anak orang laut!!!
And...I'm an Arian too!!
How coincidence!!

But I also do love to become Pocahontas you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can I become both???

Which Disney Princess Are You?

Friday, November 18, 2005

Pics Raya

Heloo everyone.

Sorry lah kalau tak update tapi asyik tukar skins ajer..=P
I guess I'm becoming a non regular updater here. heheheh

By the way,Me and the little one are doing fine. We had fully recovered and last weekend we managed to continue our raya mood.

Except for on Sunday,we stayed home since some of my family members came over to my place. So We were on standby mode the whole day. *phew*

I had uploaded some pictures at my multiply.
Since its not for public view I decided to share a few here for your viewing pleasure.

So now I will just let the peektures do the talking wokey..

My dearest Mak and Ayah

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The 4th day,we were in grey and silver

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Me and Haziq

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This year's colour theme...BLUE!!!

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The kiddos

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with my sister Juhana who has 4 daughters

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These 2 ladies are my sisters Alizah and Sofiah

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Well this coming weekend,will be going over to a few of my friend's houses.

Till then friends, Enjoy your weekends ahead!!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Recap of the few days back

My darling Haziq was sick.

I was sick with the same bugs too.

It all started without warning.
He vomitted on Sunday night right after we did our jalan raya. Tak sempat2 semua dimuntahkan pat Bedok Mrt tu jugak. Dah kelam kabut me and hubby, cuz satu baju dia dah basah termasuk dgn pram dia sekali..

We quickly ran to the toilet next to control station and cuci ape yg patut..we eventually had to take his clothes off him and let him with juz his diapers,hubby offered his kain samping to cover Haziq's body so tak masuk angin. Took cab from Bedok Mrt and once we reached home,Haziq vomitted again and it continued every 15 minutes till next Monday morning. I got panicked each time of it and scared he would get dehydrated and didn't get to sleep a wink cuz Haziq will keep waking up wanting to throw up,sampaikan...mcm tkder benda lagik yg nak keluar. my poor boy
And by 10am he was running quite a temperature.

So later that morning,about 11:00am,I brought him over to the clinic. I was told that it was stomach flu. Was given the anti vomitting and stomach pain medicine and since this flu is caused by virus so all he needs was plenty of rest and liquids and not to force him into any foods till he fully recovered.

He was finally okay now. He's back to that jumpy little boy.

And last Wednesday,It was my turn. Bangun pagi ajer da rasa loya2..cheh mcm berisi jer kan hehehe tapi mmg pon berisi dahh...
Ape kan tidak berisi dgn all the foods that didn't seem to be digested and mind you all that came out mcm paip yg tersumbat bila kena pam...muahahaha..pe yg aku merepek nih..

I went to doctor too..was prescribed the same medicine and Hubby took leave yesterday to personally look out after Haziq as I needed my rest to recover from this. Thanks dear,dunnoe what to say lah I love you many2..mmuacks.

I hope I could recover fully by tomorrow nak kena sambung jalan lagik. Few places not covered yet. Haiz~

Have a nice weekend everyone!!!!!!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Semangat beraya!

Here's my good old hari raya skin used last year..juz some modifications here and there...

Ahh pokok nyer blog aku pon nak raya gak...=P

Well my first day of hari raya was not that smooth..I didn't sleep the whole night as I had went to Geylang for the final carik2 barang...hehehe..alhamdulillah naseb dapat jugak ape yg di cari..

So the next day after cooking rendang and while waiting for hubby to come back from solat Aidilfitri,I had taken a nap and ter 'overshot' sampai tghari you...*tsk tsk*
Hubby had actually tried to wake me up but to no avail..I kept asking for 5 minutes again and again so I guess hubby ku pon tak sengaja terlelap jugak sama2 si Haziq tuh.

So apelagi...Lambat lah jawab nyer! *lol*
Sape nak disalahkan...
heheh diri sendiri lahhh!!!

Ok lah at least its not like the end of the world,managed to talk it out with my dear parents in law that we could only make it there at night after Isyak..dalam hati rasa tak sedap lah of course..but I can't afford to miss the jalan2 raya at my side.

Well,I'm not taking any sides,it juz that most of my maternal aunties stay few blocks away from my parents so tiap2 tahun me and my siblings never missed to visit them on the first day..mcm dah routine gitu cuz hari2 lain dah tak payah pergi lagik and thats gonna be when I could focus on hubby side yg mostly pulak at the east area.

So that was my first day raya this year..kelam kabut giler!!

As for pictures I've uploaded at my multiply..not much though but more to come.

Ok lah people..Enjoy your weekend berhari raya!!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Hello kengkawan semua!

Okey lah,I know I've been MIA ing for so long...ewah MIA eh..

Actually I have nothing to update although there's so much to be updated..
hahaha tak paham ? hantam sajer lah!

Well,Ramadhan has been going on smoothly except for the red friend (AF) that came and visit me on the 9th Ramadhan and lasted for 8 days..so hutang 8 hari larr nampak nyer yerr..=D

As for last weekend I was down with fever..runny nose was bad and followed by that tickly cough *sigh* but eventually I managed to fast thru those sick days,all I do was sleep and sleep and sleep..and I guess I put on a little weight now..=)

Haziq has been a very good boy all these while..though he seems bored with no close attention to him while I'm sleeping,and he would resorted to many tricks just to awaken me..He would kiss all over my face, He would purposely pull out my pillow and I guess the only trick that has worked so far on me was when he said 'Ibu...ek ek' that means berak!!! Ahh he knows that I would always cebok him everytime he finished his business so I got no way to reason out to him larr..and this happened many times to think that it was a pure coincidence..*kiss Haziq*

And today I hope to settle evrything at home cuz we are going down again to Geylang at night...hahah bukan nak shopping lagik..carpet dah belik dahh..It juz that this time I wanna take pictures buat kenang2an...Maklum lah ,this place is very memorable to me and hubby cuz that was one of the place we went for a date when we juz got to know each other on 1998,during Ramadhan and from there I started to like him =D

Ok larr..panjang poulak story gue kali ini..=O

So..to all my dear friends out there..I would like to wish you all A happy Eid Mubarak!!! Minal Aidi Wal Faizin!!

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